The Big Ride - It’s going to happen
The Big Ride: from Nanaimo to Victoria. And back. For lunch. 226km. Sunrise to sunset.
It’s going to happen.
When I signed up for this summer’s Tour de Cure, a two-day cycling fundraiser in support of BC Cancer Foundation, I knew I might need to do some crazy long rides to get ready. These rides would be to get ready for the 260km weekend in August, of course, but also to give people a reason to support my fundraising goals. I need to / want to raise $2,500 to take part in the event. Plus I love a challenge.
And there’s no bigger challenge I could think of than riding to Victoria and back in one day.
TBR: July 2, 2023
Why Victoria?
Why not, really? There are a couple reasons:
My cousin who I am supporting in this ride lives in Victoria - I thought it might be nice to visit!
I used to live in Victoria, so there’s some nostalgia of riding there and seeing my old haunts.
It’s sorta kinda somewhat maybe flat-ish in the grand scheme of things - and there is a ferry I can take.
I love riding by the sea, there are a couple great coastal bike paths along the way, and I’ve done all but about 25km of the route before.
The planned route, all 239km of it (including ferries, it should only be around 226km of pedaling) from Nanaimo to Victoria and back!
Why July 2nd?
As a new teacher, it’s been hard to find a free weekend to do, well, anything really. July 2nd is after the semester but before my summer job starts, hopefully a bit less busy on the roads than Canada Day, and the closest I can get to the Summer Solstice, when there is the most daylight to ride in. Theoretically, if I get myself up and out the door on time, I should have from 5:16am - 9:22pm to complete this epic adventure.
How am I preparing?
I have already ridden more than 1,000km this year, by far my best spring, and should have at least two “centuries” completed before this ride. One was in May, and one should happen the weekend before TBR. I feel confident in my abilities, especially if I take it slow and manage my hydration better, plus there are some built in extended breaks for stretching and eating (the ferry, and lunch in Victoria).
While I have some limited time to prepare in the weeks ahead, I am dedicating (or trying to) some time each day to stretching and mobility/strength exercises. Or I will be. Starting tomorrow.
How can I, the reader, support this ride?
First: DONATE to my summer ride! Donate directly through the Tour de Cure fundraising website and you get a tax receipt too!
Second: if you live in Victoria and have a bike, come meet me at the Brentwood Bay Ferry terminal and ride in along the Lochside Trail with me (or ride out with me later in the afternoon). I’ll update this post with times and can let you know personally if you tell me you’re joining. Riding with me would be a great support, especially if it is windy!
Second point-five: join me and some friends and family at Clover Point for some lunch. Maybe we can order pizza or something, if you give a donation of course!
Third: share my story with your friends, any small donation from any person is a great support and you never know who might want to join this fight against cancer.
226km in a day? Ben, are you insane? How can you possibly think this will be a success?
Can’t know until I try! And of course there are always risks (mechanicals, illness, injury, cancelled ferries, etc.). I’m going to try my best to accomplish TBR, and if something gets in my way I’ll still work to make it my biggest ride and greatest adventure yet! There is a back-up ferry route, there are places I can go if the Brentwood Ferry is cancelled, and I’ve got some great friends who are my emergency sleep stations or designated drivers in a worst-case scenario. Of course, I’m also riding with spare tubes in case of flat tires!
Follow along -
Yes, like any good former communications professional I’ve branded this effort… with a new Instagram account! I’ll be posting on this adventure and other cycling related fun I have this summer. It will be my public-facing account and I hope you follow along. There’s not much there yet, but give me a break, I just started it 10 minutes ago.
Follow along here: